The Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra relies on tax deductible donations for the majority of our funding. In addition to the patron and corporate sponsorship as described on the How to Help page, there are other ways to donate.

Make a Tribute Gift
Any donation you make to the Orchestra may pay lasting tribute to a loved one, a deceased relative or friend, a special occasion or an outstanding achievement. Simply provide all relevant information when you make your donation. We will notify the individual honored or the family of the deceased of your thoughtfulness.

Make a Planned Gift
You don't need to be wealthy to make a meaningful gift to the Orchestra. Please consider a gift through your estate which may include a bequest, life insurance, gift annuity, trust or IRA.

Request a Matching Gift
Many employers will match your charitable donation if you request the match. A corporate match can double or even triple your contribution to the Orchestra.

Donate Appreciated Securities
Gifts of stocks, bonds and mutual funds that are worth more than they cost can result in significant tax savings.

To find out more, please call 541-997-3727 or use the Contact Us page.